Monday 19 November 2012

Product review: Lee Stafford Hair Growth Products

Hey Guys,
Okay so a bit of history on my hair before I begin. I have really flat dull hair that isn't to thick or to thin it's somewhere in the middle. It's been every colour from a dull boring brown to bright red and everything In-between. The annoying thing about my hair is the fact that my parting is so strong that I don't think I could ever change it so there is no chance that I could ever have a side parting. The other really annoying thing is that I have a really strong cowlick and the front of my head. Unfortunately it runs in my family so my poor brothers have got it to. However this also means that there is no chance that I could ever have a fringe. My hair grows really slowly, like really slow, I’ve been growing a bob cut out now for about two years.
I have always secretly wanted long hair so recently I have been willing to give anything a try in order to help it grow. I considered taking seaweed tablets but they make ALL your hair grow, ew! So when I was in my local boots last month and saw that the lee Stafford range was on offer on 3 for 2 I thought I might as well give it a go.

So after about three weeks of actually using these products two or three times a week I have to say I'm pretty impressed.
I have noticed that my hair seems to be getting longer, but the pessimistic part of me thinks that it’s because I am watching it like a hawk to see if it’s growing. My favourite product of the three is the tub of treatment that you use in-between the shampoo and conditioner. It leaves my hair feeling really soft and luxurious. I’m not a massive fan of the shampoo because I feel like it doesn’t give my hair a very deep clean, even when I wash it twice and the conditioner doesn’t really leave my hair feeling very soft. However that might be the point of them that they are only supposed to make your hair grow rather than act like a normal shampoo and conditioner.  

I’ve been using these products for about a month and a half and, although I’m not Repunzel yet, other people have been commenting on my hair saying it looks longer. So I would say that if you’re in the market for a new shampoo and conditioner these are definitely worth giving them a go because in my opinion they have worked. But I would still say every other wash to use a different shampoo just to give your hair a deep cleanse. 

So there you have it. Have you ever tried these products?
Speak soon,

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